Is Expert Pool Maintenance a Luxury?

Consider these 3 Risks before You Decide

Too many people buy an in-ground swimming pool and then treat paying for routine water and pool maintenance as if it were an optional luxury.

I’m in the luxury design/build pool business because—let’s face it—all in-ground pools are luxuries. Yet I see too many pool owners treat their sizable investment as if routine, technically proficient and timely maintenance of water, pool, and equipment were optional. As if it’s only required when something goes wrong, or routine pool maintenance can be done by a handyman, or any pool cleaning guy. Then there are those owners who really believe they can be their own pool handyman.

Expert Pool Maintenance

Focus First on Water Balance

Things go wrong fast when you let pool water get unbalanced, and summer heat can speed up the process at an alarming rate. Yet water maintenance is the task pool owners most frequently leave to unqualified parties or attempt to do themselves. Either way, inept or inexperienced water maintenance is bound to lead to expensive—even dangerous—consequences.

3 Risks Getting Pool Water Balance Wrong

The dangers of inadequate water maintenance are clear:
1. People who get in the water are at risk
2. All pool surfaces (vinyl, plaster, tile) and the structural integrity of underlying concrete are at risk
3. Vital pool functions (pump, filters, or anything in contact with pool water) are at risk

If you think a pool’s water is safe because it looks clear, read “Clear water, clean pool? Not necessarily.” If you think routine pool maintenance is a nice-to-have option, wait until you get the bill for repairing neglected pool surfaces. Or wait even longer and suffer the consequences of an unrepairable concrete structure. You may discover you have a white elephant that you can’t easily unload when you go to sell the property.

Maybe You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

I know do-it-yourselfers who have the technical skills, time, and discipline to do pool water maintenance. Often, they enjoy the challenge. But there are far more DYI-ers who either don’t have the skill, or run out of time, and fall into the do-it-when-it’s convenient habit. They simply don’t know the risks they’re taking.

These “do it when I think of it” owners are among the last to admit they need help but the first to call in a panic when an emergency hits. Perhaps more self-destructive, are those who don’t recognize the deteriorating situation, until they’ve done permanent damage to their pools.

3 Things You Can Do to Maintain Safe Pool Water

  • Find and listen to a trusted expert: Expert help is your first line of defense against making embarrassing or irreversible mistakes. You need someone who is a trained practitioner and knows your pool.
  • Don’t just rely on Google answers and YouTube advice: It’s too easy to get wrong opinions, not enough information, or make the wrong assumptions in applying online information to your specific pool environment.
  • Pay for the right help: Even if you’re sufficiently skilled and motivated to do your own work, you can’t rely on free advice from the busy tech analyzing your water sample. If you want to be sure you’re getting it right, be prepared to pay. Get a home consultation with a pool expert. Then check back regularly with your advisor. Things can change rapidly in pool water balance. Make sure you’re keeping up.

I encourage owners to learn as much as they can about maintaining their pools. Our technicians are always happy to share information with you when servicing your pool. I also strongly encourage you to relax. Leave time to enjoy your pool, not just work on your pool.

It’s Complicated Keeping Water Balanced

It’s a hard job keeping up with the chemistry of pool water balance and understanding LSI. At Budd’s Pools & Spas, we make continuous training of our construction teams, installers, and service technicians a top priority. We also share and continue adding more information about water maintenance in social media posts, at the Budd’s Pools website, and right here on The WaterSpace blog.

A Necessity that Can Feel Luxurious

So, here is the answer to the question, “is swimming pool maintenance a luxury?” Proper, routine pool maintenance is a necessity, and keeping pool water balanced is never optional, never a job to be taken lightly.

With the right help, you can make the results of routine pool maintenance feel luxurious. You’ve enhanced your safety. You’ve gained peace of mind. Now you can simply enjoy the luxurious feeling your pool was designed to provide.

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