Take Time to Plan Before Buying a New Pool

Take Time to Plan Before Buying a New Pool

There have always been people who think they can save money on a pool by not paying for a plan. They have this vision of a luxurious backyard retreat, but they skip the planning and just buy the pool from the lowest-priced builder.

If you’ve joined the recent virus-driven rush down that path, the mountainous backlog America’s pool builders are climbing may give you time to reconsider. The pool business has gone crazy since Covid-19. All at once, homeowners want to turn backyards into their primary vacation destination. Pool sales are up more than 150 percent and next year’s schedule is nearly filled for many builders.

For those eager to hurry up and drop a pool in your backyard, be grateful for this chance to slow down. Be especially wary of any company that says it can fit you in right now.

Instead, take the time and spend the money to get help with a plan. There’s a lot to consider and a lot of planning to do to build the pool and the environment that best fits your yard, your vision, and your budget. It may seem like it’s costing you more, but it could save you a fortune in unanticipated costs, delays, and unhappy end results.

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